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A badge is a visual indicator only for numeric values. It is static and not interactive. There are two variants:

  • Undefined large number: When the amount of items is only relevant for small values, this variant should be used. When the value grows further than 999, the badge should show "999+".
  • Rounded large number: When the value of the badge represents a type of information where differences between large amounts of items are relevant, it should include a decimal unit prefix and round the value. Since there is a limit of 4 characters, there are two rules regarding the prefix and the decimals:
    • Prefixes: always the largest possible decimal prefix.
    • Decimals: the rounding should only show one decimal number when the prefixed, simplified value has just one character, i.e. more than 1k but less than 10k; more than 1M but less than 10M.

Colour coding

Badges come in 2 colours. The default is black. Use any of the flavours to style badges that have semantic or otherwise colour-coded meaning:

Chips with Badges

Badges can be added to chips.

Tabs with Badges

Badges can be added to tabs.

Side Navigation with Badges

Badges can be added to side navigation links.


To import just this component into your project, copy the snippet below and include it in your main Sass file.

// import Vanilla and include base mixins
// this only needs to happen once in a given project
@import 'vanilla-framework';
@include vf-base;
@include vf-p-badge;

For more information see Customising Vanilla in your projects, which includes overrides and importing instructions.