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What's new in Vanilla 4.21

When we add, make significant updates, or deprecate a component we update their status so that it’s clear what’s available to use. Check back here anytime to see current status information.

Component Status Version Notes
Rich horizontal list New 4.21.0 We've introduced the new rich horizontal list pattern.

Previously in Vanilla v4

Component Status Version Notes
Hero Updated 4.20.1 We've added support for 50/50 hero sections with no image.
List New 4.20.0 We've introduced the .p-list--horizontal-section list variant.
Icons / Credit card New 4.19.0 We've added new credit card icon.
Quote wrapper New 4.18.0 The quote wrapper pattern macro has been published.
Grid New 4.18.0 We've created a new grid component. It is a replacement for the legacy grid with 4 columns on small/medium and 8 columns on large screens.
Legacy grid Deprecated 4.18.0 We've deprecated the legacy grid component. Use the new grid component instead.
Form / Dense / Validation, help text Updated 4.18.0 We've added support for .is-dense to form validation messages and help text.
Rich vertical list New 4.18.0 We've introduced a new rich vertical list pattern.
Tiered list Updated 4.17.0 The tiered list pattern macro has been published.
Hero Updated 4.17.0 The hero pattern macro has been published.
Utilities / Align New 4.17.0 We've introduced a new u-vertical-align--middle utility class.
Icons New 4.17.0 We added several new icons to the additional icon set.
CTA Block / Borderless New 4.16.0 We've introduced a new borderless variant of the CTA block component.
Forms / Fieldset required New 4.16.0 We've introduced is-required to legend fieldset elements.
Rule Updated 4.16.0 Rule component has been updated to provide consistent styling with base hr element and replace its deprecated variants.
Separator styles Deprecated 4.16.0 We are deprecating hr.is-muted and p-separator class names.
Image container New 4.16.0 We've added new breakpoint-specific aspect ratio classes to the image container component.
Tiered list Updated 4.16.0 We've added new CTA block usage examples for the tiered list pattern.
Equal Height Row New 4.16.0 We've added a new wrap variant to the equal height row component.
List tree Updated 4.16.0 We've updated the list tree to be more accessible and modern. We recommend you update your list tree markup and scripts to match the new structure. However, the legacy structure is still supported.
CTA Block New 4.15.0 We've introduced a new CTA block component.
Grid New 4.15.0 We've added the .row--75-25 class to simplify creation of 75/25% grid layouts.
Grid Deprecated 4.15.0 We've deprecated the .row.is-bordered class.
Navigation / Full-width dropdowns New 4.15.0 We've introduced a new full-width dropdown option to the top navigation component.
Hero New 4.15.0 We've added new layout options and detailed documentation to the hero pattern.
Logo Section / Dense Deprecated 4.15.0 We've deprecated the dense version of the logo section component.
Tiered list New 4.15.0 We've introduced a new tiered list pattern.
Links / Anchor headings New 4.14.0 We've introduced a new class .p-link--anchor-heading to style anchor links in headings.
Image container / Cover New 4.14.0 We've added a new cover variant to the image container component via is-cover class to support having images cover the container with predefined aspect ratio.
Navigation / Sticky New 4.14.0 We've introduced a new sticky option to the top navigation component via is-sticky class name.
Navigation / Reduced New 4.14.0 We've introduced a new reduced variant of the top navigation for building two level top navigation.
Image container New 4.13.0 We've added a new image container component for controlling image aspect ratio and background.
Images / Legacy variants Deprecated 4.13.0 We've deprecated the p-image--bordered and p-image--shadowed classes. Use p-image-container is-highlighted instead.
Typography New 4.12.0 We've added the new text-wrap: pretty value to avoid text widows on all elements.
Icons Updated 4.12.0 We've added left and right (.p-icon--chevron-left and .p-icon--chevron-right) variants of the chevron icon.
Suru / Divider New 4.11.0 We've introduced a new divider variant of the Suru section component.
Table layout Updated 4.11.0 We've updated the utility classes (u-table-layout--auto and u-table-layout--fixed) to apply to nested tables.
Hero New 4.11.0 We've introduced new detailed documenation for the hero pattern.
Equal height row / Dividers Updated 4.11.0 We've updated the equal height row component divider class names and removed the dividers from smaller screens.
Navigation / Themes Updated 4.10.0 We've updated the navigation to support new theming.
Equal height row New 4.10.0 We've introduced new equal height row component (.p-equal-height-row) to better align content across columns.
Images New 4.9.0 We've introduced a way to add spacing above a media element.
Buttons / Themes Updated 4.9.0 Buttons have been updated to support new theming.
Buttons / Brand Deprecated 4.9.0 We've deprecated the brand buttons. Use other button styles instead.
Themes Updated 4.8.0 We're updating colour themes to use CSS custom properties. This affects the way theme is handled by the components.
Themes / Default theme setting Deprecated 4.8.0 We're deprecating the SCSS variables used to set the default theme. Theme can be set by using a class name on an element.
Icons / Themes Updated 4.8.0 Standard Vanilla icons have been updated to support new theming via is-dark class.
Icons / Themes Deprecated 4.8.0 We're deprecating the is-light class for icons. Use is-dark instead.
Strip / Themes Updated 4.8.0 We've updated the strip component to support new theming via is-dark class.
Strip / Highlighted New 4.8.0 We've introduced a new highlighted strip component for more consistent use of alternative background colours across the themes.
Strip / Deprecations Deprecated 4.8.0 We are deprecating a variety of legacy strip variants in favour of the new themed and highlighted strip.
Section / Hero New 4.8.0 We've introduced a new hero variant to the section component using p-section--hero.
Suru Updated 4.8.0 We've updated the Suru component to work as a hero section container, added new backgrounds for 25/75 and 50/50 splits, corner fan and pyramid surus, and updated the theme support.
Links / Themes Updated 4.8.0 We've updated the links to support new theming.
Links / Inverted Deprecated 4.8.0 We're deprecating the inverted links. Use the new theme support instead.
Navigation / 25/75 split Updated 4.7.0 We've introduced a new variant of top navigation that aligns with 25/75 grid split using p-navigation__row--25-75.
Grid / Responsive New 4.6.0 We've introduced new responsive variants for 50/50 and 25/75 grid components to allow targeting specific screen sizes with different layouts.
Headings Updated 4.6.0 We've adjusted the spacing between headings of the same size when they follow one another.
Documentation layout / Sticky container New 4.5.0 We improved the support for sticky and scrollable table of contents in documentation layout.
Documentation layout New 4.4.0 We've implemented a new full-width documentation layout.
Full-width layout Deprecated 4.4.0 We've deprecated the full-width layout in favour of the new documentation layout.
Side navigation / Paper Updated 4.4.0 We've added a support for paper background for the side navigation (via is-paper class on body element).
Table of contents Updated 4.4.0 We've refreshed the style of the table of contents and improved the consistency of HTML markup.
Logo section Updated 4.3.0 We've introduced new fallback variant for logo sections with misaligned images.
Forms / Dark New 4.2.0 We've added a new dark version for the forms inputs.
Logo section Updated 4.2.0 We've updated the logo section to support variable-width logos and line breaks.
Logo section / Title Deprecated 4.2.0 The title element p-logo-section__title in the logo section is now deprecated and should not be used on any new pages. Use a heading instead.
Tabs New 4.1.0 We've added a new dark version for the tabs as well as updating the hover and active states.
Display headings New 4.1.0 We've added a new display heading component.
Responsive 27/75 grid New 4.1.0 We've added a new responsive variant to 27/75 grid component.
Suru New 4.1.0 We've added a new Suru component.
Suru strips Deprecated 4.1.0 Strips with old style of the Suru are now deprecated and should not be used on any new pages. Use a blank strip or new Suru component instead.
Brochure site / Section examples New 4.1.0 We've added examples of some brochure site hero sections.
Migration guide New 4.0.0 We've added a migration guide to help you upgrade to Vanilla 4.0.
Section Updated 4.0.0 We've updated the section component with new shallow and deep options.
Block Deprecated 4.0.0 The block component should is deprecated, use shallow section instead.
Border radius setting Deprecated 4.0.0 We removed rounder corners from all Vanilla components and deprecated the use of $border-radius variable.
Old-style numerals New 4.0.0 We've added a new utility class .u-oldstyle-nums to use old-style numerals.
Links dark theme New 4.0.0 We've added a new class .is-dark to use the links on dark backgrounds.
Rules dark theme New 4.0.0 We've added a new class .is-dark to use the rules on dark backgrounds.
Colours Updated 4.0.0 We've updated our brand colour to Ubuntu orange and added a teal accent colour.
Accented headings New 4.0.0 We've added a new class .is-accent to highlight headings with the accent colour.
Accented rules New 4.0.0 We've added a new class .is-accent to highlight rules with the accent colour.
Paper background New 4.0.0 We've added new paper background colour that can be added to the body element using is-paper class name. Components designed for white backgrounds (like inputs) can use on-paper class to adjust for the new background.
White strip New 4.0.0 We've added a new white strip component to highlight the content on new paper background.
Text max width utility New 4.0.0 We've added a new utility class .u-text-max-width to limit the width of text lists.
New grey error icon New 4.0.0 We've added new grey error icon.
New grey status icons in lists Updated 4.0.0 We've updated the status icons used in ticked lists to use grey outline instead of coloured background.
To see what changed in Vanilla v3, see the changelog for v3 page.

Status key


Newly released components, utilities or settings that are safe to use in projects.


These components, utilities or settings are in the process of being removed and should no longer be used in projects.

In progress

Design spec and code implementation are not yet finished.


These are existing components, utilities or settings that have been updated either through design or code.


These components, variants or utilities have been removed from Vanilla. They should be removed from projects or updated to their new recommended versions.