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Migrating to Vanilla 3.0

Vanilla 3.0 introduces a number of breaking changes, and this upgrade guide provides detailed instructions on the actions needed to make the transition a smooth one.

Building and importing

Vanilla 3.0 requires use of latest sass library and drops support for node-sass. If you are still using node-sass to build your styles, you need to switch to sass instead.

Additionally, with introduction of sass we improved the way Vanilla can be imported to your project. Instead of importing source files directly by their path (@import "vanilla-framework/build/vanilla"), you can now simply import Vanilla package @import "vanilla-framework";. Make sure to @include vanilla after the import. This is now a recommended way of importing Vanilla, please update any imports you have:

@import 'vanilla-framework';
@include vanilla;

You'll need to make sure you're on the latest version of sass, check our building documentation for more information on how to use sass to import and build Vanilla.

Spacing variables

We've simplified the spacing variables in Vanilla. Please use the mapping below to update from the old variable names to the new ones:

Vertical spacing variables:

Removed variable Replaced by Default value
$multi Dropped. Delete any instances
$spv-inner--small $spv--small 0.5rem
$spv-inner--x-small--scaleable $spv--small 0.5rem
$spv-inner--x-small $spv--x-small 0.25rem
$spv-inner--medium $spv--medium 0.75rem
$spv-inner--scaleable $spv--large 1rem
$spv-inner--large $spv--large 1rem
$spv-inner--x-large Express as a sum of other vars 2.75rem
$spv-outer--small-scaleable $spv--large 1rem
$spv-outer--small $spv--small 0.5rem
$spv-outer--medium $spv--large 1rem
$spv-outer--scaleable $spv--x-large 1.5rem
$spv-outer--shallow-scaleable $spv--x-large 1.5rem
$spv-outer--regular-scaleable $spv--strip-regular 4rem
$spv-outer--deep-scaleable $spv--strip-deep 6rem

Horizontal spacing variables:

Removed variable Replaced by Default value
$sph-inner--x-large Express as a sum of other vars 2.5rem
$sph-inner--large Express as a sum of other vars 1.5rem
$sph-inner--small $sph--small 0.5rem
$sph-inner--x-small $sph--x-small 0.25rem
$sph-inner $sph--large 1rem
$sph-outer--large Express as a sum of other vars 1.5rem
$sph-outer $sph--large 1rem

In cases where your build fails because of a missing variable and you can't figure out what to replace it with, feel free to hardcode its value in rem temporarily, but leave a FIXME comment around it, to update it later when your styles build without errors.

Text element max-width

Max-widths should not be based on font-size. Legacy classes, placeholders, and mixins that used a font-size based max-width setting have been removed. All heading related max-width variables have been replaced by one single variable - $text-max-width, which is an updated version of the $max-width--default variable.

Removed max width features include: max-width--p and %measure--p placeholders, measure--p class name, vf-b-typography-max-widths, p-max-width, heading-max-width--short, heading-max-width--long, p-max-width--long mixins.

You can add max-width: $text-max-width to replace them.

Nudges map

The keys in map $nudges no longer include the nudge-- prefix. Please note these fail silently, so it is essential do a thorough search and replace them as part of the upgrade. So any calls that previously included nudge-- as in map-get($nudges, nudge--p), should now be renamed to map-get($nudges, p).

Full list of changed keys:

Removed map key Replaced by
nudge--h1-mobile h1-mobile
nudge--h1-large h1-large
nudge--h1 h1
nudge--h2-mobile h2-mobile
nudge--h2 h2
nudge--h3-mobile h3-mobile
nudge--h3 h3
nudge--h4-large h4-large
nudge--h4-mobile h4-mobile
nudge--h4 h4
nudge--h6-large h6-mobile
nudge--h6 h6
nudge--p-ubuntumono p-ubuntumono
nudge--p p
nudge--small small
nudge--x-small x-small

Sass will not throw errors or warn you if the key doesn't exist in the map. Please make sure you correctly search and replace any map keys and verify that affected styles render correctly in the browser.

Icon sizes

The accordion key in map $icon-sizes has been renamed to small. It is currently used in chips, and is suitable to other situations where the icons sits next to small text.

Removed map call Replaced by
map-get($icon-sizes, accordion) map-get($icon-sizes, small)

Sass will not throw errors or warn you if the key doesn't exist in the map. Please make sure you correctly search and replace any map keys and verify that affected styles render correctly in the browser.


Vanilla v3.0 introduces several changes and updates to media query breakpoints and responsive behaviour of utilities and components.

In Vanilla 3.0 there are 2 main breakpoints used by media queries: $breakpoint-large and $breakpoint-small, and they divide the possible screen widths into 3 ranges:

  • small screens (smaller than $breakpoint-small)
  • medium screens (starting at $breakpoint-small and smaller than $breakpoint-large)
  • large screens (from $breakpoint-large and bigger)

Additionally some components that require more granular responsiveness use $breakpoint-x-small (to target mobile screens in portrait mode) or $breakpoint-x-large (to target large widescreen displays).

The $breakpoint-medium variable has been removed from Vanilla. All media queries in components and utilities that used this value have been updated to either $breakpoint-large or $breakpoint-small (whichever was more relevant). If you use $breakpoint-medium in your project it should be replaced with $breakpoint-large or $breakpoint-small.

The default value of $breakpoint-navigation-threshold was previously set to $breakpoint-medium and is now, since Vanilla 3.8, $breakpoint-large (it used to be $breakpoint-small in Vanilla 3.0 - 3.7.1). This value should be overridden in project code to adjust the threshold at which navigation switches to dropdown, based on the number of navigation items.

Using min-width and max-width media queries

By default we follow mobile first approach and it is recommended to use min-width queries.

.your-styles {
  // default styles for all screen sizes
  // ...

  @media (min-width: $breakpoint-small) {
    // styles for medium and large screens
    // ...

  @media (min-width: $breakpoint-large) {
    // styles for large screens
    // ...

To ensure the consistency of media queries and avoid conflicting styles you can build media queries without overlapping ranges.

.your-styles {
  // default styles for all screen sizes
  // ...

  @media (max-width: $breakpoint-large - 1) {
    // styles for small screens only

  @media (min-width: $breakpoint-small) and (max-width: $breakpoint-large - 1) {
    // styles for medium screens only

  @media (min-width: $breakpoint-large) {
    // styles for large screens only

Make sure to use $breakpoint - 1 whenever you use max-width in media query.

Refer to our breakpoints settings documentation for more information.

Show/hide utils

The changes to the responsive breakpoint affect how the show/hide utilities behave. In previous version of Vanilla it was quite inconsistent between different utils and grid.

In Vanilla v3.0, any utils with --small modifier only affect small screens (below $breakpoint-small), with --medium modifier affect medium screens (between $breakpoint-small and $breakpoint-large), and with --large the large screens respectively.

This change may affect the current usage of responsive u-hide variants. Most notably, in places where the u-hide--small class is currently used, u-hide--medium may need to be added (to cover both small and medium screens). This is to replicate current behaviour of u-hide--small, ensuring the element is hidden on small and medium screens.

Please make sure to properly QA any changes around media queries or responsive utilities to verify if they work as expected in given context.

Refer to show and hide utils documentation for more details and examples.


Grid spacing maps

Previously used $grid-margin-width is has been removed, as the grid margins differ at different breakpoints. Use the values in $grid-margin-widths instead.

The SCSS maps defining grid margins and gutters have been simplified. In both $grid-gutter-widths and $grid-margin-widths, the medium and large keys have changed to default. So any calls that previously included medium or large as in map-get($grid-gutter-widths, medium), should now be renamed to map-get($grid-gutter-widths, default).

Removed map key Replaced by
medium default
large default

Sass will not throw errors or warn you if the key doesn't exist in the map. Please make sure you correctly search and replace any map keys and verify that affected styles render correctly in the browser.

Grid modifications

The vf-p-grid-modifications mixin was unnecessary and has been removed. Any references to it can be removed from code.

Column classes

Use of col classes outside of row is no longer supported. If you use col-X class names outside of row, or your custom styling depends on specificity of a col-X class name, you will need to review and update your styles accordingly.

Column layout change

Previously, the grid layout would switch from 6 to 12 columns wide at the medium breakpoint. With the removal of the medium breakpoint, this has been changed so that the switch happens at the large breakpoint instead. We recommend visually checking your layouts at each breakpoint for any adverse effects this change may cause.

Refer to grid documentation for more details and examples.


Neutral buttons have been removed

The neutral button style provided by p-button--neutral was exactly the same as the default p-button styling, so it has been removed. Please use p-button or class-less <button> element instead.

Full width mobile buttons have been removed

In Vanilla 2.0 buttons on smallest screens (below $breakpoint-x-small) were extended to full 100% width. This was causing issues on some layouts and with some utilities, so is no longer part of Vanilla 3.0. If your project has any custom code that was needed because of full width buttons you may need to update or remove it.

"Active" button state has been renamed to "processing"

The state initially implemented as "active" via is-active class name on the buttons has been renamed to is-processing to avoid confusion with native active state of the interactive elements. If you use is-active class on any buttons (to keep them opaque even when disabled) you need to change the class name to is-processing.

Removed class Replaced by
button.is-active button.is-processing

We use the is-active class name in various components to denote the active state, so make sure you rename it only in the context of buttons.

The previous vf-button-active mixin was renamed to vf-button-processing. Additionally the vf-button-white-success-icon mixin has been removed (it is not needed anymore as the %vf-button-white-success-icon placeholder it used to provide is part of the Vanilla base styles now).

Refer to button documentation for more details and examples.

Text elements


Heading pattern classes with a word suffix have been replaced by classes with a number suffix:

Removed classes Replaced by
p-heading--one p-heading--1
p-heading--two p-heading--2
p-heading--three p-heading--3
p-heading--four p-heading--4
p-heading--five p-heading--5
p-heading--six p-heading--6

Refer to headings documentation for more details and examples.

The p-link--external class has been removed, so elements using that class will no longer include an appended external link icon. Any uses of this class can be safely removed.

Custom navigation background colour has been removed

The color variable $color-navigation-background has been removed, please use the default light and dark themed navigation patterns.

The row class should not be used inside global navigation pattern. Use p-navigation__row for fixed-width or p-navigation_row--full-width for full-width navigation.

Navigation classes p-navigation__links, p-navigation__link, and classless <a> have been removed. Please use new class names p-navigation__items, p-navigation__item, p-navigation__link instead.

Removed classes Replaced by
p-navigation__links p-navigation__items
p-navigation__link p-navigation__item
li.p-navigation__link > a li.p-navigation__item > a.p-navigation__link

Please note that .p-navigation__link class name is used in both deprecated and new versions, but on different elements. When upgrading make sure not to replace valid new uses of .p-navigation__link applied to links (<a>), but only old ones applied to list items (<li>).

Refer to navigation documentation for more details and code examples.

Navigation dropdowns implemented with separate p-subnav classes have also been removed. This class name and its associated child elements should be updated simply by substituting the following class names:

Removed classes Replaced by
p-subnav__items--right p-navigation__dropdown--right
p-subnav__items p-navigation__dropdown
p-subnav__item p-navigation__dropdown-item
p-subnav p-navigation__item--dropdown-toggle

The <a> element that toggles the dropdown element should have the p-navigation__link class, as well as an aria-controls attribute that references the id attribute of the dropdown element.

The vf-p-subnav mixin was also removed. navigation dropdown styles are part of the main vf-p-navigation mixin, so they don't need to be included separately anymore.

Refer to navigation dropdowns documentation for more details and code examples.

If a search box is being used in the top navigation, you now have the option to use the new expanding search component. We haven't removed the old search box, so this update is completely optional.

Form elements

Base checkbox and radio styles

Previously, base checkbox and radio elements were styled to look like the .p-checkbox and .p-radio patterns. The base styles have been removed, please use the pattern markup instead.


The switch component has been updated with new HTML structure more consistent with how checkbox component is built. The p-switch class name is no longer placed on the checkbox input element, it should be moved to the label element wrapping the input. The class name on the input element itself should be renamed to p-switch__input. If the switch is supposed to have a label next to it, it should be added as an element with p-switch__label class name.

Refer to the switch component documentation page for more details and code example.


Adding p-slider class to style <input type='range'> is optional, so this class name can be safely removed from HTML if it's used solely to style range inputs. Classes p-slider__wrapper and p-slider__input are still used when building slider with text input combo.

Refer to the slider component documentation page for more details and code example.


Renamed expanding and sortable tables

We removed p-table-expanding and p-table-expanding__panel. Use p-table--expanding and p-table__expanding-panel instead.

We removed the p-table--sortable that was previously required to enable sorting functionality in the tables. Currently any table with correctly used aria-sort attributes on column headers can be sorted. The p-table--sortable class name can be removed from HTML (any relevant JavaScript may need to be updated).

Removed classes Replaced by
p-table-expanding p-table--expanding
p-table-expanding__panel p-table__expanding-panel
p-table--sortable aria-sort="none"

Hidden cell in expanding table

Using u-hide utility inside expanding table to hide table heading placeholder is not recommended. Use the recommended ARIA attribute, aria-hidden="true", instead.

Responsive tables

The aria-label attribute on table cells of the responsive table has been replaced by data-heading. This is to ensure information in the cells of the table isn't missed by screen readers. Please replace all aria-label's on <td> elements in tables using the p-table--mobile-card class.

Refer to the table component documentation page for more details and code examples.


We updated the HTML structure of the accordion component and removed the classes p-accordion__title and p-accordion__tab--with-title used for accordion headings, in favour of a more accessible accordion structure. If headings are used in accordion, the HTML structure needs to be updated.

Refer to the accordion component documentation page for more details and code examples.

We updated the markup of the breadcrumbs component to comply with accessibility requirements. The p-breadcrumbs class has moved from the <ul> element to a a parent <nav> element, with an additional aria-label description of "Breadcrumbs". An <ol> element replaces the <ul> with the class p-breadcrumbs__items.

Refer to the breadcrumbs component documentation page for more details and code examples.


As chips are meant to be interactive by default, they now use the <button> element. Any chips that don't have a dismiss button should be built using <button class="p-chip"> instead of <span class="p-chip">. Only chips that have the dismiss button still use span as their main element.

Also, the dismiss button in chips has been updated. It now provides its own icon, so it should not include a separate icon element. Please remove any icons from the chips, and keep only the Dismiss text in the button.

Refer to the chips component documentation page for more details and code examples.


There have been some changes to the code pattern. We removed the copy to clipboard option, so the vf-p-code-copyable mixin and p-code-copyable class have both been removed.

The p-code-numbered class has been removed, along with the mixin vf-p-code-numbered. Please use p-code-snippet and p-code-snippet__block--numbered from the new code snippet pattern instead.

Refer to the code snippet component documentation page for more details and code examples.


The p-icon--question icon has been removed. Please use the existing p-icon--help icon instead. Corresponding mixins vf-p-icon-question and vf-icon-question have also been removed. Please use vf-p-icon-help and vf-icon-help, respectively, instead.

The p-icon--contextual-menu icon has been removed and replaced by the chevron p-icon--chevron-down or p-icon--chevron-up icons. The mixin vf-icon-contextual-menu has also been removed.

The vf-p-icon-in-button mixin is no longer necessary and has been removed. Any code that includes this mixin can be removed.

The p-icon--canonical and p-icon--ubuntu from the social icon set have been removed, along with their corresponding mixins: vf-icon-canonical, vf-p-icon-canonical, vf-icon-ubuntu, vf-p-icon-ubuntu. Please use alternative icons from our social set or a bespoke branded icon for your project.

Removed classes Replaced by
p-icon--question p-icon--help
p-icon--contextual-menu p-icon--chevron-down
p-icon--canonical Dropped, use another icon
p-icon--ubuntu Dropped, use another icon

Refer to the icons documentation page for more details and code examples.

Inline images

We removed the inline images (p-inline-images) component. Please use the logo section component instead.

The logo section component requires images to have identical dimensions, so you will not only need to update the HTML markup of the component, but also change the URLs of logo images to new ones.

Refer to the logo section component documentation page for more details and code examples.


The colour variants of the label pattern have been renamed to use consistent semantic naming with coloured chips. Old class names based on Vanilla component status names have been removed. Previous p-label--validated variant doesn't have direct equivalent, please use p-label--positive or p-label--information depending on your use case.

Removed classes Replaced by
p-label--deprecated p-label--negative
p-label--in-progress p-label--caution
p-label--new p-label--positive
p-label--updated p-label--information
p-label--validated p-label--information or p-label--positive

The individual mixins for label variants have been removed. All necessary styles are included in main vf-p-label mixin. If you use any of the following individual mixins you can remove them from your code: vf-p-label-new, vf-p-label-updated, vf-p-label-deprecated, vf-p-label-in-progress and vf-p-label-validated.

Since Vanilla 3.2 the label component has been renamed to status label. Refer to the status label component page for more details and code examples.


The notification child classes have been replaced to support new variants. The following class substitutions can be used to support existing functionality:

Removed classes Replaced by
p-notification__response p-notification__content
p-notification__status p-notification__title
p-icon--close p-notification__close

The text content of the notifications should also be wrapped in element with p-notification__message class name. This element didn't exist in previous version of notification pattern and should be added for best compatibility.

Additionally the p-notification__action class should no longer be used for links in notification text. Instead, it should be used for notification action buttons.

Refer to the notification component documentation page for more details and code examples.

The p-article-pagination__link was removed, as only its variants (.p-article-pagination__link--next and p-article-pagination__link--previous) were meant to be used.

Refer to the pagination component documentation page for more details and code examples.