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Vanilla v2 Changelog

Component Status Version Notes
Forms / Datalist New 2.37.0 We've added documentation for datalist
Accordion / Tick elements New 2.36.0 We've added a variation of the accordion using tick elements
Card / Content Bleed New 2.36.0 We added a .p-card__inner element so that it's possible to have a mix of padded and not padded content within a card.
Form / Help text Updated 2.36.0 We added a class name to aligned help text with checkboxes or radio buttons
Forms / Validation Updated 2.35.0 We've updated the styling of the form validation and required patterns
Forms / Password toggle New 2.34.0 Password fields now have a show/hide toggle.
Lists / Crossed New 2.34.0 We added a is-crossed modifier class for lists, to complement the existing is-ticked modifier.
Lists / Ticked Updated 2.34.0 We updated the color of the is-ticked icon on lists to $color-positive, where previously it was $color-accent.
Tabs / Tab Buttons New 2.34.0 We added a new type of tab pattern, `p-tab-buttons`, which can display tabs like a group of buttons.
Links / Skip Link New 2.33.0 We added a new link variant, .p-link--skip, that places a link offscreen and is revealed on focus.
Notifications Updated 2.33.0 Notifications have been updated with a new appearance, requiring a new HTML structure.
Notifications structure Deprecated 2.33.0 The following notification classes have been deprecated: .p-notification__response, .p-notification__status
Labels / Default New 2.32.0 We've added a default label p-label
Button / Dark New 2.32.0 We added the dark theme to the buttons.
Button / Neutral Deprecated 2.32.0 The neutral button variant p-button--neutral is deprecated, please use default p-button instead.
Tables / Overflow Updated 2.32.0 We introduced the .has-overflow utility for table cells, to aid with the display of components that need to overflow the cell, such as tooltips and contextual menus.
Tables / Responsive Updated 2.32.0 The .p-table--mobile-card previously contained style overrides for the contextual menu pattern, these have been removed so that contextual menus within responsive tables look and behave the same as they do elsewhere.
Navigation / Dropdown Updated 2.31.0 We introduced the .p-navigation__item--dropdown-toggle class, as a replacement for the now deprecated .p-subnav class.
Navigation / Sub-navigation Deprecated 2.31.0 The .p-subnav class previously could theoretically be used outside of the main .p-navigation component, which was not intended. It has been deprecated, and succeeded by the .p-navigation__item--dropdown-toggle class.
Button / Link New 2.30.0 Buttons can now assume the appearance of a standard link.
Lists / spanider Updated 2.30.0 We added a dark theme to responsive spanider lists.
Tabs / Content Updated 2.30.0 The tab pattern can now be used either as a navigation list, or as controls for panes of content.
Fluid breakout - toolbar New 2.29.0 We added support for a toolbar within the fluid-breakout layout.
Modal footer New 2.28.0 We added the optional footer to the modal pattern.
Logo section New 2.28.0 A new logo section
Inline images Deprecated 2.28.0 The inline images component has now been deprecated. Please use the logo section component instead.
Table - empty New 2.28.0 We added a basic styling for the table <caption> in empty tables
Tooltips - detached New 2.28.0 We added the .is-detached utility, providing a way for tooltips to exist separately from their associated element.
GitHub icon New 2.27.0 We added the GitHub icon .p-icon--github to our social icons set.
Code snippet - bordered Updated 2.27.0 We added the utility class .is-bordered to the code snippet.
Search and filter New 2.26.0 We added the new Search and filter component.
Application layout - animations Updated 2.26.0 We added is-collapsed class that allows animating the application layout aside panel.
Tables expanding Deprecated 2.26.0 We renamed and deprecated p-table-expanding and p-table-expanding__panel. Use p-table--expanding and p-table__expanding-panel instead.
Tables sorting Deprecated 2.26.0 We removed p-table--sortable class name. Sorting can be enabled on any table by adding aria-sort attributes.
Forms / Checkbox indeterminate New 2.26.0 We added indeterminate state checkboxes. If a checkbox has checkbox.indeterminate = true; set via JavaScript, the checkbox will show a state between checked and unchecked.
Sticky footer New 2.26.0 We added a new .l-site layout, which can accommodate a sticky footer.
Accordions Deprecated 2.26.0 We deprecated the previous accordion tab patterns, .p-accordion__tab and .p-accordion__tab--with-title .p-accordion__title, in favour of a more accessible pattern. Please use .p-accordion__heading .p-accordion__tab.
Typography / Extra small caps New 2.25.0 We added new extra small capitalised text p-text--x-small-capitalised.
Typography / Baseline alignment New 2.25.0 We added a couple of util classes to help aligning small text on the baseline along default text size.
Separators / Muted New 2.25.0 We added new muted variant of horizontal rule.
Separators / Fixed width New 2.25.0 We added new fixed width variant of horizontal rule to allow aligning it with full 12-column grid layouts.
Lists / Middot Updated 2.25.0 We added a dark theme to middot lists.
Code snippet - Dropdowns Updated 2.24.0 We added the ability to accommodate multiple selects within a .p-code-snippet__header, either inline, using the .is-stacked utility to class to have the dropdowns below the title.
Code inline - dark Updated 2.24.0 We've updated inline code elements to support being nested within a .p-strip--dark element, and to support an .is-dark utility class.
Fluid breakout New 2.24.0 We added a new l-fluid-breakout layout that can be used to break out of the constraints of a 12-column grid and allow content to bleed into the page margins on larger screens.
Grid - "orphan" columns Deprecated 2.24.0 We deprecated the use of `.col` classes without a direct parent with a class `.row`.
Active button Deprecated 2.23.0 The is-active class was deprecated and given a more appropriate name: is-processing.
Processing button New 2.23.0 We renamed is-active button state class to is-processing, which can be combined with disabled when a button needs to indicate a process is occurring while also preventing user interaction.
Code snippet - Dropdowns New 2.23.0 We add the ability to include a select within in a code snippet, allowing users to switch between related code examples.
Code snippet Updated 2.23.0 We added a utility class for .p-code-snippet__block that allows content to wrap, rather than horizontally scroll: .is-wrapped.
Separator New 2.22.0 The new p-separator component has been added to be used as a separator between content blocks.
Code snippet New 2.22.0 The new .p-code-snippet component has been added, to be used to display code examples in a number of different formats.
Code copyable Deprecated 2.22.0 .p-code-copyable has been deprecated and will be removed in the v3.0 release. Please use .p-code-snippet .p-code-snippet__block--icon instead.
Code numbered Deprecated 2.22.0 .p-code-numbered has been deprecated and will be removed in the v3.0 release. Please use .p-code-snippet .p-code-snippet__block--numbered instead.
Icons - Contextual Menu Deprecated 2.21.0 The p-icon--contextual-menu has been deprecated and will be removed in future release v3.0. Please use existing .p-icon--chevron-down and .p-icon--chevron-up icons instead.
Icons - Additional New 2.21.0 We added many more icons, outside of the base icon set. These icons are not included in Vanilla by default, but can be inspanidually included as needed.
Application layout - panels In progress 2.21.0 We continue working on application layout panels styling. We improved the positioning of the logo, title and controls in panel headers.
Application layout - side navigation New 2.21.0 We implemented and documented improvements for side navigation component for the application layout.
Side navigation - Sticky New 2.21.0 Side navigation component used to be sticky by default. We now introduced new is-sticky variant that should be used to optionally make side navigation sticky.
Application layout panels Updated 2.20.0 We updated the responsive styles of application layout panels and introduced some class names and variables for more flexible customization options.
Small buttons New 2.20.0 We added an is-small modifier class for buttons, which can be combined with is-dense.
Active buttons New 2.20.0 We added an is-active state class for buttons, which can be combined with disabled when a button needs to indicate a process is occurring while also preventing user interaction.
Expanding table column placeholder Updated 2.19.2 We started using aria-hidden="true" attribute to hide the placeholder table header in place of previously used u-hide utility.
Table icons New 2.19.0 We added a p-table__cell--icon-placeholder class to properly align icons in table cells.
Breadcrumbs Updated 2.18.0 We updated the markup of the breadcrumbs component to comply with accessibility requirements. The class .p-breadcrumbs is now moved onto a <nav> element, the unordered list has been changed to an ordered one that has a class .p-breadcrumbs__items.
Breadcrumbs Deprecated 2.18.0 Top level <ul> with a class .p-breadcrumbs is now deprecated for the Breadcrumbs pattern.
Checkbox and radio buttons components New 2.17.0 We introduced new .p-checkbox and .p-radio components. They replace the existing styling of base form inputs.
Checkbox and radio buttons elements Deprecated 2.17.0 Base styled checkboxes and radio buttons (on <input type="checkbox"> or <input type="radio"> elements) are deprecated and they will be reverted to native browser inputs in future version of Vanilla. Please use on bWe added new layout styles for building responsive full-screen applications.
Application layout New 2.16.0 We added new layout styles for building responsive full-screen applications.
Suru strip New 2.16.0 We added new strip variants .p-strip--suru and .p-strip--suru-topped.
Chip New 2.15.0 We added the new .p-chip component to be used to display small actionable pieces of information.
List inline stretched New 2.14.0 We added the new .p-inline-list--stretch list variant that arranges items so they span the full width of the parent container.
Accordion Updated 2.13.0 We updated the accordion component with a new .p-accordion__tab--with-title variant that allows using headings in accordion buttons.
Muted text New 2.12.0 New u-text--muted utility class has been added.
Icons Updated 2.12.0 The icons have been updated to new style.
Icons - Question Deprecated 2.12.0 The p-icon--question has been deprecated will be removed in future release v3.0. Please use existing `.p-icon--help` icon instead.
Side navigation Updated 2.11.0 A no-JS fallback was added for the side navigation toggle functionality on small screens.
Side navigation Updated 2.11.0 A new raw HTML variant of the side navigation component.
Side navigation Updated 2.10.0 Update to the responsive styling of the side navigation.
Side navigation New 2.9.0 New side navigation component was added.
Navigation Updated 2.8.0 New navigation classes (p-navigation__items, p-navigation__item, p-navigation__link) were added to replace existing (p-navigation__links, p-navigation__link, and classless <a>).
Navigation Deprecated 2.8.0 Navigation classes p-navigation__links, p-navigation__link, and classless <a> are deprecated and will be removed in future release v3.0. Please use new class names (p-navigation__items, p-navigation__item, p-navigation__link) instead.
Contextual menu Updated 2.7.0 Added dark theme to contextual menu.
Heading classes Updated 2.7.0 New heading classes with numbers (p-heading--1, ...) were added for consistency with other class names we use.
Heading classes Deprecated 2.7.0 Heading classes with numbers as words (p-heading--one, --two, ...) are deprecated and will be removed in future release v3.0. Please use class names with numbers (p-heading--1, --2, ...) instead.
Range input New 2.6.0 Styling of Slider component was added to all <input type="range"> elements by default. This makes p-slider class optional for styling range inputs.
Checkbox, radio button Updated 2.6.0 New `is-table-header` added to properly align checkboxes and radio buttons used in table headers.
Slider Updated 2.6.0 Styling of Slider component was added to all <input type="range"> elements by default. This makes p-slider class optional for styling range inputs.
Contextual menu New 2.5.0 Optional state indicator was added to contextual menu
Font metrics New 2.5.0 Added u-visualise-font-metrics utility to visualise font metrics
Line length New 2.5.0 Added $max-width--default variable and u-no-max-width utility to control line length
Table cell padding overlap New 2.5.0 Added u-table-cell-padding-overlap utility to overlap table cell padding
Truncation New 2.5.0 Added u-truncate utility to truncate text with ellipsis
Social icons Updated 2.5.0 Updated style of social icons. Added new .p-icon--rss and p-icon--email icons.
Social icons Deprecated 2.5.0 We will be removing p-icon--canonical and p-icon--ubuntu from social icon set in future release v3.0

Status key


Newly released components, utilities or settings that are safe to use in projects.


These components, utilities or settings are in the process of being removed and should no longer be used in projects.

In progress

Design spec and code implementation are not yet finished.


These are existing components, utilities or settings that have been updated either through design or code.